What We Do

Working With Disability
Working With Women
Working With Children
Other Activities
Case Studies
Past Projects
Working With Children
Children’s Clubs
The aim of the Children’s Clubs is to give a voice to excluded children and promote their rights. In partnership with Save the Children, we are promoting 30 Children’s Clubs, involving more than 1,000 children.
Key Objectives:
Inclusion of groups that have been excluded on the basis of class, caste, religion, gender or other reasons.
Bringing universal education to those who have been discriminated against or prevented from going to school for other reasons.

Key Strategies:
Establishing a club where children from all backgrounds can gather together and discuss various issues related to child rights.
Creating a space where children can play and study together, increasing interaction between children from various different backgrounds.

Key Activities:
Discussion of various child-rights related problems and issues, especially regarding discriminations due to caste and gender.
Raising awareness about rights and plans for attaining justice, such as RTE and UNCRC. Training programmes are organised for the children club members of all the 30 villages on Right to Education Act-2010 and regarding the scope for marginalized children
Identification of excluded children in the village (exclusion mapping).
Organizing interventions (in partnership with Child Protection Committees) to include such excluded children, by counseling both the children as well as their families.
Bringing dropouts back to school
Participating in the efforts to end child labor and child marriage
Amo Swora: the quarterly newsletter produced by children for children. See the latest issue here  from Kandhamal and Kamakhya nagar.

Child Protection Committees
In partnership with Save the Children, we have established Child Protection Committees (CPCs) in 150 villages in 5 districts of Odisha. These committees are designed to support the Children’s Clubs by bringing different members of the community together to discuss and promote equal rights for every child.
Key Objectives:
Sensitization of the adult community members about child rights and prevalent discriminatory attitudes and to ensure protection of the children in their village.
Sensitization of key decision makers in the government as well in non-governmental organizations.

Key Strategies:
Creating a committee where adults from different sections of the community can interact with one other and discuss issues related to protecting children’s rights.
Sensitizing members of the community and government officials in order to facilitate an environment that is conducive to children’s equality, rights and education.

Key Activities:
Organising sensitization sessions and informative workshops in the village. These could be both general, for the entire community, or specialized, for officials, teachers or other groups.
Training sessions held on the concept of social exclusion and children, laws and policies related to child rights, United Nations Convention on the Rights of Children (UNCRC), Right to Education act, and the role of civil society in promoting and protecting the rights of children.
Conducting exclusion mapping in the community in partnership with the child clubs, to identify children who are being discriminated against or kept out of school for some reason.
Conducting interventions in conjunction with child clubs to include excluded children in mainstream education and activities.
Promoting and supporting child clubs and their activities.
Holding regular meetings on a monthly basis to review the situation and the state of the intervention.

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