About Kallola

Objectives of Kallola :

Kallola the annual short film contest conducted by UNICEF & Aaina in partnership since 2014, is based on various issues on child rights and has been aimed to create an environment that promotes the rights and empowerment of children in the state of Odisha through thought provoking short films. For last five years Kallola has created its own space not only as a contest but as an Institution promoting rights of children through more than 240 short films so far. It has reached out to more than three lakhs viewers, more than 250 film makers, 15 districts in Odisha and enumerable admirers

KALLOLA signifies the happy sound of bird- song at dawn. In a perfect world, the synonym for the happy, joyful laughter of children. You may ask that if Human Rights belong to everyone, why we need separate rights for children. Children need care and protection to ensure that their rights are upheld. Kallola was conceptualized keeping in mind that children are neither aware of their rights nor do they know how to safeguard them. Hence it becomes the inherent duty of us adults to ensure that their rights are upheld.

Every year since inception, Kallola has been rolled out as a contest that comes with a different theme on ‘Rights of children'. The short films received act as tools to raise awareness and advocacy that help create an environment promoting the rights of children in the state.. The focus of all the films is not only to highlight the issue but leave the viewers often with positive action/ solution.

Kallola was launched in 2014 as a platform to promote rights of children through the powerful medium of films. For last five years Kallola has created its own space not only as a contest but as an Institution promoting rights of children through films. It has reached out to more than three lakhs viewers, more than 250 film makers, 15 districts in Odisha and enumerable admirers. Be it the issue of child labour, child marriage, sexual abuse, or core issues like Water & Nutrition and rights of children, the messages are emphatic and compels the viewers to rethink these burning issues. Short, yet powerful messages that trigger actions, have been presented year on year, through these short films.

About KALLOLA 2020:

This year however, given the current scenario of COVID -19 Pandemic, Kallola-2020 comes to you in a different format adapted to accommodate this initiative within the new normal circumstances. In its 6th edition, against the backdrop of the pandemic, Kallola will present its film festival in a non-competitive format with a focus on children. The year’s highlight is a platform for children to allow them to express themselves and the world as they see it. Children will be taught to create scripts for films and radio jingles and will be encouraged to freely express their views, challenges and solutions.

In partnership with Mo School and OSCPS, Department of Women & Child Development & Mission Shakti, Kallola will organize a series of script writing workshops for 500 children (200 children from heritage schools from 30 districts of Odisha and 300 children from Child Care Institution(CCI) from 30 districts of Odisha). Making a script for films and radio jingles can be exciting as well as creatively rewarding. 100 Scripts for short films and radio jingles will be developed at the workshops. 10 best scripts will be shortlisted from each category to be produced into a film and jingle by the professionals and screened during the festival in November apart from the films made by the filmmakers and submitted.

Kallola in it’s new avatar will be a Short Film Festival on Child Rights issues this year and the theme is
Children and Covid-19: Building back betterr

Objectives of Kallola :

  • Generating mass awareness on issues related to rights of children through this platform
  • Building capacity of children on creative expression and hearing their views
  • Creating awareness on the issues among the filmmaking and creative community that can influence their own perspective and work.