Daan Utsav (earlier called the Joy of Giving Week) is India's "festival of giving"launched in 2009. The festival is celebrated every year, in the week of October 2-8, and brings together Indians from all walks of life, to celebrate "giving". aaina has been participating in it since 2013. Like every year, aaina put up a wish tree during Daan Utsav 2015. The tree prepared contained specific wishes of children under aaina's project needing support. Most of the wishes were in relation to meet the educational or physical needs of children with disability.
Bharti Infratel, a leading telecom tower infrastructure provider company of Odisha. most willingly agreed to partner in this project and the Wish Tree was placed at their premises (Head Office, BBSR) from October 5 to October 13. Mr. Ajay Jalali, Circle Business Head, Bharti Infratel took the initiative to inaugurate and met the first wish, followed by few other employees. The tree remained at Bharti Infratel premises for 8 days (5th to 13th October 2015). The ability of Infratel employees to connect with the needs of children was appreciable and their response continued until the very last moment. By the end of the period, an amount of Rs. 19400/ was donated to fulfill the wishes of 58 children., Bharti Infratel enthusiastically and effectively coordinated the whole process Ms. Asha Upadhya expressed her joy to be involved in this cause.
To complete the circle, the wishes were brought into reality and the requisite materials were distributed on December 17th to the children. The materials were distributed for the children under 2 projects of aaina, Deaf- Blind project and Satyabhama project. For the children under Deaf Blind project, home visits were made by aaina staff Ms. Jasinta Tirkey, Special Educator, Ms. Gayatri, field worker and Ms. Geetika project development & PR.
Upon visit the people from neighborhood and other community members were equally excited for the children who were to receive materials. They joined aaina staff in the process by showing their presence and appreciating the efforts. The children belonged to extremely poor families and lacked basic necessities. Materials meeting their hygiene, motor and developmental skills were distributed. Materials such as clothing, reading table, bathing bucket, soap case were provided to children under Deaf Blind Project. Children despite being visually and speech impaired enthusiastically took the materials and expressed their joy by smiling and body language.
For children under Satyabhama project at Kamakhyanagar, the distribution took place at the field office where all the children and few of the parents had gathered. Staff from head office went to the field office for distribution. Mr. Lalit Sethi, Project Assistant Coordinator, Ms. Supriya Sahu, Special Educator, Ms. Swarna Rout, Community organizer and Mr. Abhimanyu Mallick Project coordinator were present. Children from distant regions had come and were waiting curiously to receive their respective materials. School bags, water bottles Tiffin boxes, notebooks and winter clothes were distributed to meet their education needs and basic necessities for their development.
Bharti Infratel's support and aaina's effort were recognized and appreciated by children and their families. Though not very big in nature the products are vital for children to continue their education and live a decent and respectful life. aaina is thankful to Bharti Infratel for their partnership in this cause and looks forward for their support in future as well