About the Organizers


Aaina, an Odisha based voluntary organization, was conceived with the vision of working with the vulnerable sections of the society and addressing issues giving rise to such vulnerabilities. In this context, persons with disabilities, children and women became the core focus areas of the organization. Since disability has been the major focus right from its inception, Aaina has concentrated its energies and resources on the empowerment of persons with disabilities, facilitating them to become self-sufficient and realize their hidden potential. Founded in 1998, Aaina is today recognized as one of the front-ranking NGOs of Odisha working in the field of disability. Aaina envisages an inclusive society where each person has an identity, independence and exercises his/her rights with dignity and equality especially persons with disabilities, women, children, elderly, ultra-poor and other socially excluded groups.

To know more about aaina and our activities you may visit us on www.aaina.org.in


UNICEF is the world's leading organization protecting the rights of children and young people active in more than 190 countries, territories and areas.UNICEF has been working in India since 1949 advocating for the rights of children and young people -to protect children's right to be educated, to be healthy, to a childhood, to be treated fairly and to be heard. We work with local communities, partners & Government bodies.

To know more visit www.unicef.org/India