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School Management Committee members from Kandhamal including children with disability participate in National SMC Convention in Delhi

About 15 members from Kandhamal went to Delhi for a National SMC convention on State Stock taking and Planning. Four amongst them were children and 2 were children with disability. The visit itself was a life time exposure for most of them who had never left their home town. The members were excited and enthusiastic to be a part of the convention. Lalita Pradhan, G.Udayagiri, Kandhamal, SMC member & children club representative took an opportunity at convention to talk about her experience. Energized with emotions she stated, “After attending different capacity building training program organized by Aaina, my confidence level has enhanced and also I know the roles & responsibility of SMC members. Now I am trying to identify and bring forward different problems of girl children and children with disability in the SMC meetings”. With time, through her constructive participation, Lalita has been able to gain confidence of other SMC members. During SMC meeting members look upon her for suggestions for planning. She conveyed her gratitude to aaina and children club members for making her realize the value of children’s representation in matters affecting them. She further discussed proudly that in her village children’s participation in SMC meetings is not a token participation but is rather highly valued and their suggestions are implemented.

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