aaina and CSR aaina looks forward for partnerships and joint social ventures with Corporate as Corporate Social Responsibility gains momentum . aaina staff participated in multiple programmes this quarter exploring CSR initiatives and probable areas of partnership.. aaina was a part of the Multi Stakeholder Dialogue Bhubaneswar organised by CYSD on Jan 27, 2015 and CSR World Congress meet in Mumbai organised by Guidestar..
These platforms were an opportunity for corporate staff to share their CSR initiatives and plans and for CSOs to gain knowledge on upcoming CSR projects and areas of intervention. CSR as an ingrained part of corporate, sustainable projects with strategic framework, CSR with visible impact, Clear objectives with measurable outputs, Win-Win partnerships between Corporate and CSOs were vital concepts discussed... aaina appreciates these and is ready to embrace these concepts as it carries out its activities.
At local level, aaina can take up CBR projects, DRR activities, value addition of land, sustainable agriculture, human rights and development, skill development for people with disability, etc. At a broader level, aaina looks forward for projects inline with Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) such as environment protection projects, water sustainability and access to health and nutrition. Involvement and inclusion of people with disabilities in every venture of aaina will take place as this remains the guiding principle of aaina.
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