Fun, Games and Interactions make a way for capacity building training and the selection of new federation members from Children’s Club Seventy two children participated from different block of Kandhamal district in a district level capacity building program on 24th February 2013 organized by one at Banani Kala Sangam for the members of the children's club. The purpose was to develop leadership skills among children, improve their communication skills and gain familiarity with other children from the club. The guests for the program were Mr.Biranchi Narayan Mishra, District Inspector, Kandhamal, Mr. S.K Maharana, DSWO, Kandhamal, Mrs.Manjula CDPO, Phulbani, and Mr.Santap Panda, aaina.
Mr.BasantaPattnaik (Education Coordinator) welcomed the guests and resource person of the day Mr.Santap Kumar Panda organized games and activities with the children. The participatory activities helped to build teamwork and communication skills among the children, while increasing their awareness about children’s rights under the UNRC, and enhancing their social awareness about marginalized children in their community and inspiring them to become active in their clubs.
During the afternoon session about the Child Federation, Mr Santap Panda explained that a Block Level Children’s Club was to be formed to address the problems of children in the village. The work of the District Federation will be to monitor the activities of the Block level Children’s Club, to assist when required and carry out capacity building training to the Block level club. The District Level Federation was formed of fourteen children from different Children Clubs. Out of them Bijay Ku Pradhan& Pratik Ku Digal from G-Udayagiri, Nathan Ku Digal&Mitu Thakur from Phulbani, ManaranjanDigal&RabindraDalachhatra from Khajuripada took the responsibility to manage the Federation. In the Federation, boys, girls, SC/ST children & Children with Disability were included. To enhance the feeling of belongingness and responsibility by children , Mr.Santap Panda told all the children to contribute Rs10 every month as savings in their Federation.