Aaina Grabs World Cerebral Palsy Day 2017 Award!!! Satyabhama, community based project of Aaina bagged Major award for education from World Cerebral Palsy Day 2017. It was an international online contest on different themes such as education, livelihood, quality of life etc. 114 organizations from word over participated. Aaina participated projecting work of Satyabhama highlighting its activities related to mainstreaming of children with disabilities. The project was selected by World Ceral Palsy Day 2017 as best project under education category influencing the lives of children with disability including children with Cerebral Palsy. World Cerebral Palsy Day also edited a movie for the awardees. Kindly find the video for Aaina here. https://www.facebook.com/worldCPday/videos/1573388949385485/