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 Observation of Global Menstrual Hygiene day 2020
  Covid Films, 2020
  Jan Sahayata Kendra, Covid-19.
  Psycho-social support
  Covid-19 Response and Action
 3rd National River Conference:
 Kallola Short Film Contest on Child Rights 2019.
 GULECHI Project
 SRHR Training program, Ganjam under “Flying Wings” Project

Poultry and Fishing: A sustainable alternative for Phailin affected in Ganjam

A sustainable alternative for Phailin affected in Ganjam In Belaguntha block livelihood has beena major issue after Phailin cyclone and after floods. aaina intervened the issue with support of Save the Children in Belaguntha block of Ganjam. In the process it came out that people majorly depend on agriculture & Fishing for their livelihood. The agriculture is basically rain fed in this area. During the rest of the period the people migrate to other places for search of work as they have no other source of income. The support as such needs to be long term and sustainable. It was decided to support them develop poultry and fishing as livelihood means and chicken and fishing nets were provided for the same.
Six villages of Inginathi & Mangalapur GP of Belaguntha block of Ganjam were selected for the purpose. The fishing net was provided to the fishing community & poultry to the SC & ST community. The beneficiaries were selected through the listed criteria made by the community through village meeting. A sustainable livelihood is expected for the selected beneficiaries.

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