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  Psycho-social support
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 GULECHI Project
 SRHR Training program, Ganjam under “Flying Wings” Project

aaina’s response to cyclone Phailin

After the devastation caused by Phailin cyclone, aaina is actively involved in the coordination of the relief work that is going on by Government and other deployed bodies in Odisha. aaina is an active member of Odisha Phailin Response Forum (OPRF) which is an immediate response of civil society to the Phailin affected and aftermath with the objective to coordinate between GOVT & NGO activities and bridging the gap between services declared and services offered.
aaina is contributing towards direct relief to 5- worst hit villages Bellapunji, Nabarathapuri in Belaguntha and Buduli, Hasanpalli and Sanapathara in Bhanjabagar. by both cyclone Phailin and the floods after the cyclone. Emergency materials including biscuits, chattua, candles, and sanitary pads are being supplied to these villages. aaina is also coordinating the relief work in Ganjam with 22 Blocks and 475 GPS where 15 lakh people have been reported to be affected directly by Phailin cyclone. Data on Housing conditions, Livelihood conditions and heath and sanitation, availability of water and lectricity is being collected, reported and updated continuously by the field staff of aaina. Coordination and data collections shall assure that most deprived community members will receive food, aids and appliances and other relief products being distributed by government.
With specialized expertise and experience aaina is ready to manage the most vulnerable people in natural disasters i.e. People with Disabilities, Women and Children. Besides, aaina’s experienced staff shall take on psycho-social therapy for the traumatized adult and children.

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