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Organic farming for rural women moves forward

Work in Freedom project of Aaina marches ahead with organic farming training to rural women as alternative. The training on Organic Farming & Vermin compost and SRI method was organized in Barapadhani of Badabadangi GP and Haripur of Gopalpur shasan of Surada block on 20th July & 21st Jul 2017.The number of participants was 40 in Barpadhani and 50 in Haripur. Ms. Sabarmatee and Ms. Namita Mohanty form SAMBHAV were the Resource Person for the training. Ms. Sabarmatee threw light on prevalence of organic farming from ancient times. Organic farming was discussed as need of the hour for sustainable production by protecting the fertility of land. Different characteristics of organic farming were described and discussed in detail including the extensive management of livestock, paying full regard to their evolutionary adaptations, behavioral needs and animal welfare issues with respect to nutrition, housing, health, breeding and rearing
Participants expressed that after several meetings with the staffs of aaina they started the organic farming in a little space to see the result and the vegetable is more fresh & tasty. They also told that in non-organic farming they spent more money in buying of pesticides, hybrid seeds. In the rural area organic manures like cow dung, tree leaves and plants, human and animal wastes are easily available. Vital contribution of women towards agriculture was highlighted. Women were stated as the backbone of agriculture in India comprising the majority of agricultural laborers contributing not only in terms of physical output but also in terms of quality and efficiency. SRI method involving combination of several practices , changes in nursery management, time of transplanting, water and weed management was discussed.
It turned out to be a very productive and knowledgably training for women who are already now into different ways of organic farming. It not only enhances their livelihood skills but also minimizes their need of migrating for financial growth.